As part of Travel photography, our author here has some most beautiful landscapes of Kerala to show you all. All in all, let’s take a walk through her heavenly images.
Scenic beauties that can change the perspective of your ideas
The way to freedom is not what we think it is, it is different. It may not be a straight path that everyone may expect that to be but it is full of twists and turns. It is us who should make that particular path straight. No one gets into heaven that easy, we should put in a great effort to earn our right place. Heavens are not extraterrestrial that one may think as it is but instead it is right here on this very earth where we live. Heavens are made on earth and the work is done by us humans who possess a good heart and a sacred soul. The way to heaven may be difficult but once we get there it’s something that is remarkable. Distances are something we need. Thereupon, we all are living in a world where these distances are shrinking day by day.
It’s all around us
For all those who think that the heavens are what we witness in our afterlife, you are wrong, it’s all around us. All we have to do is just open your eyes and look around. Furthermore, the real beauty is what we see and not what we create. As nature adds flavors to all the things in and around us. Therein, a journey to such destinations should always continue throughout your lifetime.
Our mother earth
Stories should be made in the heart and not in the books. And if you need some tips for them just take a visit to these places. We all have a single life here on earth as humans. So why we should leave without knowing our mother earth and its ingredients. Take a tour and explore the limits. Because no one is going to stop you from climbing the steps of success.

Liza Abraham, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Liza Abraham. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.