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Art Of Illumination by Abhinav Negi

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Life without Light is just like a Creature without Sight. Illumination of each & everything in the Universe is only possible because of light.

Art literally means the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. Therefore, it can be expressed through different mediums & photography is one of them. Illumination literally means Light/Lighting, in this book you can see how different lighting can change the vibe and message of photographs. Therefore, presenting the portfolio “Art of Illumination”.

This book has photographs captured in different lighting conditions from the dark night sky to the bright sunny day.
Furthermore, the recreation of the natural light in the indoor studio makes this book interesting for photographers who hold an interest in commercial/Indoor photography.

Henceforth, this book can be very captivating for the people who have a hobby of traveling as it contains a wide variety from the rich culture of south India to the snowy peaks of The Great Himalayas. (Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Hyderabad, Kerala

Abhinav Negi, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Being an artist he has always been looking for a platform. Creative Hut Gurukul is a place where he discovered his niche. He has always been trying to work efficiently with limited resources. Therefore, published the portfolio “Art of Illumination”. Moreover, shooting a creative commercial is one of his hobbies. Thereupon, he has completed his Professional Diploma in Art of photography from Creative hut Institute of Photography, Kerala, India.


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All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Abhinav Negi, Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.

A Home for Creative Minds, India’s Premier Residential Visual Media College

Welcome to Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film, First Residential Photography and Film Institute in India located in the natural picturesque calm 1,70,000 sq. ft. campus. Established in 2007, our institution offers a unique practical learning experience where traditional Gurukul way of learning combines with modern technologies.

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