Whatever surrounds me in the vicinity, the focus always goes to the centre of attention or other way called centre of attraction. The whole energy ,power ,beauty all will be completely worn by the centre that grabs my attention and after all everything will be blank that surrounds the attention. that’s the power of attention and attraction.
About Author

Febin Mathew, Kottayam, Kerala
It is not just about a photograph. It is all about the’ flash of dreams that I wish to pursue in my life. To capture the mesmerizing memories and making each moment worthy for someone is nothing but life satisfied to the zeal.
After a long time what we cherish is only the beautiful memories we had in the past. That moments lives forever through my hands of magic for at least some time and that is all what makes me happy. It does not need to be always a happy capture. Some tells the story, some shows the pain, some shows the beauty. After all it is all about the capture of dazzling moments of lives.
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Febin Mathew, Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.