Light painting is an interesting and useful method for me. It’s truly a creative and enjoyable process that’s very interesting in photography. It showcases how beautiful photography can be, as well as how we may be more creative in our photography. We can create stunning images with a tripod and tube light to capture good-looking light painting photos.

The phrases phos “light” and graphis “stylus,” “paintbrush” or graph are derived from the Greek words phos “light” and graphis “stylus,” “paintbrush” or graph, which together mean “drawing with light.” There are three kinds of light painting photography. The first is Light Drawing, in which the camera can see the light source, and the artist uses this light source to draw or create a design within the frame during a long exposure.

Man Ray’s “Space Writing” series was a major contribution to light painting photography. When it comes to light painting, the most important thing to remember is to experiment, have fun, and create your unique style. Light painting is a medium that allows you to express yourself in a number of different ways

Without light, there is no photography and without understanding light, you simply cannot become a great photographer. So be a magician with light.

All the Photos and text in this post are copyright of Jowel Thomas Joseph, from Kottayam Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.