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Significant Role of Research Team

Endless Passion in You
Result of Creativity in You

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    Innovative Study & Creative Inventions


    Photography is beyond any language, age or place. It is one such media where one can share the knowledge and convey the message in the simplest and easiest form. Here, we encourage our students to think and realize the need to understand photography and know it from its beginning. We believe that Photography is not in just clicking all around. But it is a vast medium where discovering new innovative things and bringing it in front of the world is a great task.

    We initiate our students with various researches’ that come as a part of their entire Photography learning. This encourages them in creating some modern ways to share the knowledge and to make others aware about photography. Research here has become the inseparable part of Photography learning. The result of the research gets final form as a productive material in this industry.

    First and Biggest
    Photography Game

    “Fos Paixete”, the Photography Game on 2nd October 2014 created by a group of 14 members consisting the students and faculties of the institute.

    First & Biggest
    Photography Wheel

    This led the group of 14 members (including two faculties and 12 students) to prepare the First and biggest Photography Wheel.

    World’s First Photography History Calendar

    Photography calendar is unique in itself as it tells you the history and the present scenario of photography and camera.

    Be a Part of Our Research Team

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    Any individual can be a part of the research whether you are creative hut students and alumni or an individual or group of individuals not a part of institute. You can apply for being a part of any of our research and contribute your creative ideas and valuable time with the institute research department. One can also become the part of the research by supporting the research team to market its end product in the market or introduce it to the industry. An encouraging word or an appreciation will boost the effort makers to move forward.

    The contributions of the individuals or a group of individuals can donate any material related to photography and camera, such as books, old cameras, etc… to the institute research session. The financial assistance for the entire research work, the working of the project and for the final product is most welcomed.

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