‘SYMPHONY’’ is a harmonious combination of elements especially effective combination of colors. When a variety of colors come together and yield an outcome that is perfectly balanced and pleasant to look at or hear , it is a symphony.
The right equilibrium is required to be able to present diverse photographs as a unified body of work. Like a musical symphony is complex and has variety, this book will also showcase several works in every genre of photography and in the end will leave you completely satiated. Through this portfolio book i aim to show how a variety of components can constitute an aesthetic whole.
Ramanan P S, Kanyakumari, Kerala

I am Ramanan PS from Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. My passion for photography started by looking at my father’s camera when I was a kid. I used to look at the film rolls and wonder what is inside of it. Slowly I started to click pictures and I loved to do it. Every picture has its own story to tell.
Either, it is in the studio or in nature, photography makes me a happier and more enthused person.
Every picture has its own story to tell. Either, it is in the studio or in nature, photography makes me a happier and more enthused person.
All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Ramanan P S, Creative Hut Institute of Photography. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.