Most people enjoy cooking, eating, and sharing food, while there are many people who enjoy taking pictures of food in different styles. Food photography requires a lot of preparation. One has to think and bring all necessary props and ingredients to the shoot. And get the food ready in accordance with the theme chosen. In my case, it’s all about Chinese cuisine.

Chinese food was what I had always ordered in restaurants since I was a child. So Chinese cuisine is one of the essential components of Chinese culture because of its extensive history, distinctive characteristics, variety of styles, and exquisite cooking.

Chinese cuisine is renowned for its colour, aroma, flavour, significance, and presentation. To bring that energetic appearance of the Chinese food in the photographs is a challenge as well as an interesting task. The chapter “Chinese cuisine” represents food photography of some of the chinese dishes that are one of the favourites among the children as well as grown-ups.

In this chapter tabletop photography is used, where I arranged various things to make it more attractive. The feel represented here is of the evening time which makes the images look more attractive and bring in the attention making one eager to consume it.

All the photos and text in this post are copyright of Vineeth M, Bengaluru, Creative Hut Institute of Photography and Film. Their reproduction, full or part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.